As the state with the greatest population of licensed and registered art therapists, New York has one of the largest and oldest art therapy associations in the nation. NYATA often leads the way for other states in terms of goals and policies.
Mission + Vision
Our mission is to serve members and the general public by encouraging the highest quality of art therapy services to the public, facilitating communication among members, support legislative efforts at the state and federal level, and to disseminate information to the general public and art therapists. As the state with the greatest population of licensed and registered art therapists, New York has one of the largest and oldest art therapy associations in the nation. NYATA often leads the way for other states in terms of goals and policies.
Our Purpose
The provision of educational opportunities, within the field of art therapy for members of the general public as well as art therapy professionals.
The promotion of public awareness of the field of art therapy.
The progressive development of the therapeutic use of art.
The advancement of research and standards of clinical practice.
The provision of appropriate vehicles for the exchange of information with colleagues and the general public; according to the provisions of AATA.
The awarding of scholarships and awards.
The facilitation of the therapeutic use of art in institutional and private practice settings.
Membership FAQs
Join our chapter membership through AATA: https://arttherapy.org/membership-starts-here/
Application for membership or change of membership status shall be accomplished through the AATA online membership portal. In the event membership is denied, the applicant shall have the right to appeal this decision.
The NYATA Board voted in 2023 to provide financial support to the LCAT Coalition for their ongoing initiative to lobby the NY State Governor, Senate, and Assembly Members to grant parity to creative art therapists in New York. The NYATA treasury is committed to donating annually the amount needed to support the LCAT lobbyist for one month.
Additionally, the Governmental Affairs Chair will maintain contact with the directors of the Coalition, attend their meetings, and provided support in terms of advertising initiaves via NYATA media campaigns.